#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 701
#include "MachDeps.h"
module System.Random
RandomGen(next, genRange)
, SplittableGen(split)
RandomGen(next, genRange, split)
, StdGen
, mkStdGen
, getStdRandom
, getStdGen
, setStdGen
, newStdGen
, Random ( random, randomR,
randoms, randomRs,
randomIO, randomRIO )
) where
import Prelude
import Data.Bits
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Foreign.C.Types
#ifdef __NHC__
import CPUTime ( getCPUTime )
import Foreign.Ptr ( Ptr, nullPtr )
import Foreign.C ( CTime, CUInt )
import System.CPUTime ( getCPUTime )
import Data.Time ( getCurrentTime, UTCTime(..) )
import Data.Ratio ( numerator, denominator )
import Data.Char ( isSpace, chr, ord )
import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
import Data.IORef ( IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef )
#if MIN_VERSION_base (4,6,0)
import Data.IORef ( atomicModifyIORef' )
import Data.IORef ( atomicModifyIORef )
import Numeric ( readDec )
import GHC.Exts ( build )
build :: ((a -> [a] -> [a]) -> [a] -> [a]) -> [a]
build g = g (:) []
#if !MIN_VERSION_base (4,6,0)
atomicModifyIORef' :: IORef a -> (a -> (a,b)) -> IO b
atomicModifyIORef' ref f = do
b <- atomicModifyIORef ref
(\x -> let (a, b) = f x
in (a, a `seq` b))
b `seq` return b
#ifdef __NHC__
foreign import ccall "time.h time" readtime :: Ptr CTime -> IO CTime
getTime :: IO (Integer, Integer)
getTime = do CTime t <- readtime nullPtr; return (toInteger t, 0)
getTime :: IO (Integer, Integer)
getTime = do
utc <- getCurrentTime
let daytime = toRational $ utctDayTime utc
return $ quotRem (numerator daytime) (denominator daytime)
class RandomGen g where
next :: g -> (Int, g)
genRange :: g -> (Int,Int)
genRange _ = (minBound, maxBound)
class SplittableGen g where
split :: g -> (g, g)
data StdGen
= StdGen !Int32 !Int32
instance RandomGen StdGen where
next = stdNext
genRange _ = stdRange
instance SplittableGen StdGen where
split = stdSplit
instance Show StdGen where
showsPrec p (StdGen s1 s2) =
showsPrec p s1 .
showChar ' ' .
showsPrec p s2
instance Read StdGen where
readsPrec _p = \ r ->
case try_read r of
r'@[_] -> r'
_ -> [stdFromString r]
try_read r = do
(s1, r1) <- readDec (dropWhile isSpace r)
(s2, r2) <- readDec (dropWhile isSpace r1)
return (StdGen s1 s2, r2)
stdFromString :: String -> (StdGen, String)
stdFromString s = (mkStdGen num, rest)
where (cs, rest) = splitAt 6 s
num = foldl (\a x -> x + 3 * a) 1 (map ord cs)
mkStdGen :: Int -> StdGen
mkStdGen s = mkStdGen32 $ fromIntegral s
mkStdGen32 :: Int32 -> StdGen
mkStdGen32 sMaybeNegative = StdGen (s1+1) (s2+1)
s = sMaybeNegative .&. maxBound
(q, s1) = s `divMod` 2147483562
s2 = q `mod` 2147483398
createStdGen :: Integer -> StdGen
createStdGen s = mkStdGen32 $ fromIntegral s
class Random a where
randomR :: RandomGen g => (a,a) -> g -> (a,g)
random :: RandomGen g => g -> (a, g)
randomRs :: RandomGen g => (a,a) -> g -> [a]
randomRs ival g = build (\cons _nil -> buildRandoms cons (randomR ival) g)
randoms :: RandomGen g => g -> [a]
randoms g = build (\cons _nil -> buildRandoms cons random g)
randomRIO :: (a,a) -> IO a
randomRIO range = getStdRandom (randomR range)
randomIO :: IO a
randomIO = getStdRandom random
buildRandoms :: RandomGen g
=> (a -> as -> as)
-> (g -> (a,g))
-> g
-> as
buildRandoms cons rand = go
go g = x `seq` (x `cons` go g') where (x,g') = rand g
instance Random Integer where
randomR ival g = randomIvalInteger ival g
random g = randomR (toInteger (minBound::Int), toInteger (maxBound::Int)) g
instance Random Int where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random Int8 where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random Int16 where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random Int32 where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random Int64 where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
#ifndef __NHC__
instance Random Word where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random Word8 where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random Word16 where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random Word32 where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random Word64 where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random CChar where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random CSChar where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random CUChar where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random CShort where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random CUShort where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random CInt where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random CUInt where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random CLong where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random CULong where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random CPtrdiff where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random CSize where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random CWchar where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random CSigAtomic where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random CLLong where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random CULLong where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random CIntPtr where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random CUIntPtr where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random CIntMax where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random CUIntMax where randomR = randomIvalIntegral; random = randomBounded
instance Random Char where
randomR (a,b) g =
case (randomIvalInteger (toInteger (ord a), toInteger (ord b)) g) of
(x,g') -> (chr x, g')
random g = randomR (minBound,maxBound) g
instance Random Bool where
randomR (a,b) g =
case (randomIvalInteger (bool2Int a, bool2Int b) g) of
(x, g') -> (int2Bool x, g')
bool2Int :: Bool -> Integer
bool2Int False = 0
bool2Int True = 1
int2Bool :: Int -> Bool
int2Bool 0 = False
int2Bool _ = True
random g = randomR (minBound,maxBound) g
randomRFloating :: (Fractional a, Num a, Ord a, Random a, RandomGen g) => (a, a) -> g -> (a, g)
randomRFloating (l,h) g
| l>h = randomRFloating (h,l) g
| otherwise = let (coef,g') = random g in
(2.0 * (0.5*l + coef * (0.5*h 0.5*l)), g')
instance Random Double where
randomR = randomRFloating
random rng =
case random rng of
(x,rng') ->
((fromIntegral (mask53 .&. (x::Int64)) :: Double)
/ fromIntegral twoto53, rng')
twoto53 = (2::Int64) ^ (53::Int64)
mask53 = twoto53 1
instance Random Float where
randomR = randomRFloating
random rng =
case random rng of
(x,rng') ->
((fromIntegral (mask24 .&. (x::Int32)) :: Float)
/ fromIntegral twoto24, rng')
mask24 = twoto24 1
twoto24 = (2::Int32) ^ (24::Int32)
instance Random CFloat where
randomR = randomRFloating
random rng = case random rng of
(x,rng') -> (realToFrac (x::Float), rng')
instance Random CDouble where
randomR = randomRFloating
random = randomFrac
mkStdRNG :: Integer -> IO StdGen
mkStdRNG o = do
ct <- getCPUTime
(sec, psec) <- getTime
return (createStdGen (sec * 12345 + psec + ct + o))
randomBounded :: (RandomGen g, Random a, Bounded a) => g -> (a, g)
randomBounded = randomR (minBound, maxBound)
randomIvalIntegral :: (RandomGen g, Integral a) => (a, a) -> g -> (a, g)
randomIvalIntegral (l,h) = randomIvalInteger (toInteger l, toInteger h)
randomIvalInteger :: (RandomGen g, Num a) => (Integer, Integer) -> g -> (a, g)
randomIvalInteger (l,h) rng
| l > h = randomIvalInteger (h,l) rng
| otherwise = case (f 1 0 rng) of (v, rng') -> (fromInteger (l + v `mod` k), rng')
(genlo, genhi) = genRange rng
b = fromIntegral genhi fromIntegral genlo + 1
q = 1000
k = h l + 1
magtgt = k * q
f mag v g | mag >= magtgt = (v, g)
| otherwise = v' `seq`f (mag*b) v' g' where
(x,g') = next g
v' = (v * b + (fromIntegral x fromIntegral genlo))
randomFrac :: (RandomGen g, Fractional a) => g -> (a, g)
randomFrac = randomIvalDouble (0::Double,1) realToFrac
randomIvalDouble :: (RandomGen g, Fractional a) => (Double, Double) -> (Double -> a) -> g -> (a, g)
randomIvalDouble (l,h) fromDouble rng
| l > h = randomIvalDouble (h,l) fromDouble rng
| otherwise =
case (randomIvalInteger (toInteger (minBound::Int32), toInteger (maxBound::Int32)) rng) of
(x, rng') ->
scaled_x =
fromDouble (0.5*l + 0.5*h) +
fromDouble ((0.5*h 0.5*l) / (0.5 * realToFrac int32Count)) *
fromIntegral (x::Int32)
(scaled_x, rng')
int32Count :: Integer
int32Count = toInteger (maxBound::Int32) toInteger (minBound::Int32) + 1
stdRange :: (Int,Int)
stdRange = (1, 2147483562)
stdNext :: StdGen -> (Int, StdGen)
stdNext (StdGen s1 s2) = (fromIntegral z', StdGen s1'' s2'')
where z' = if z < 1 then z + 2147483562 else z
z = s1'' s2''
k = s1 `quot` 53668
s1' = 40014 * (s1 k * 53668) k * 12211
s1'' = if s1' < 0 then s1' + 2147483563 else s1'
k' = s2 `quot` 52774
s2' = 40692 * (s2 k' * 52774) k' * 3791
s2'' = if s2' < 0 then s2' + 2147483399 else s2'
stdSplit :: StdGen -> (StdGen, StdGen)
stdSplit std@(StdGen s1 s2)
= (left, right)
left = StdGen new_s1 t2
right = StdGen t1 new_s2
new_s1 | s1 == 2147483562 = 1
| otherwise = s1 + 1
new_s2 | s2 == 1 = 2147483398
| otherwise = s2 1
StdGen t1 t2 = snd (next std)
setStdGen :: StdGen -> IO ()
setStdGen sgen = writeIORef theStdGen sgen
getStdGen :: IO StdGen
getStdGen = readIORef theStdGen
theStdGen :: IORef StdGen
theStdGen = unsafePerformIO $ do
rng <- mkStdRNG 0
newIORef rng
newStdGen :: IO StdGen
newStdGen = atomicModifyIORef' theStdGen split
getStdRandom :: (StdGen -> (a,StdGen)) -> IO a
getStdRandom f = atomicModifyIORef' theStdGen (swap . f)
where swap (v,g) = (g,v)